Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Intentions

April didn't really go how I wanted it to. I'm hoping for a fresh new start this May. I didn't put much thought behind my May Intentions, but here they are:

  1. Eat out less
  2. Learn how to budget myself
  3. Meet with the ASC about my schooling
  4. Rearrange my room
  5. Obtain a new job
  6. Finish Jillian's yoga video
  7. Donate clothes to Goodwill
  8. Buy new pillow cases
  9. Buy rug for living room
  10. Pick up more shifts at work (those paychecks look a looooot better)

Sunday, April 27, 2014


@leabeth7 on Instagram :)

I just sold out and got myself an Instagram. I've had a lovely day thus far. Baby sister came up and we had nothing to do. So we took one of my roomies Em and went to Amelie's in NoDa. It was so much fun! I instagrammed and we even got lost in Charlotte for a while. It was a blast! I love getting out.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Intention Update

As this month is almost halfway over, I think it's a good idea to look back over the past twoish weeks. Honestly, since I decided to just cut back on my sweet tea, I can't even tell if that's what happened or not! But whatever. I'm still drinking unsweet and water all the time, so I guess something's changed. I did get back into the gym which was amazing because I missed running like crazy. Yoga's been lovely. I'm in a ton of pain, but it's sooo worth it. I had to set up a massive queue on my Tumblrs, so those are fine. No new sunglasses yet, I actually forgot that I wanted some. Huh. I cannot stop gossiping! I just can't. I haven't really tried all that hard, but I just have to make a constant effort to remember not to do it. CandyCrush has been gone and it's not bad. The gynecologist appointment was easy enough. And I wrote a's probably no good, but summer's coming and all I'll have is free time that I'll want to spend in the library, so let's see where that goes. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Yoga Day One

As stated in my April Intentions, I have started doing yoga. Today was my first day of Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown Level 1. It was so hard! I mean, I am in no way, shape, or form what one would call fit, but that was ridiculously difficult! I managed to make it through 15 minutes of Level 1 before I had to stop. I was sweating and out of breath. And my arms will KILL tomorrow! But I was not completely deterred and I started from the beginning and did another 15 minutes. Since I knew that to expect, I managed to do more without stopping as often. I'm hoping that soon I will work up enough arm strength so I won't have to take a break every time I have to do a push up. I hate those! But I will get toned and I will be able to finish that stupid 35 minute video before April is over.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Intentions

My intentions for this month are simple:

  1. Cut back on sweet tea. I've already cheated on Lent. May as well just make sure that I just keep it to a minimum.
  2. Get back in the gym...this isn't under my control, but I'm hoping for the best.
  3. Buy a new pair of sunglasses
  4. Do yoga
  5. Set up an appointment with the gynecologist (like an adult)
  6. Write a story. It's been forever!
  7. Delete CandyCrush
  8. Hiatus from Tumblr for a month
  9. Stop gossiping...but it's like telling me to stop breathing

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tassel Garland!

The other day, VP and I went to a party for a friend's birthday. Over her breakfast bar there was a strand of  tassel garland. VP and I were mesmerized. We found the girl who made it and after about 30 minutes of scouring Pinterest and Google, I finally found a tutorial on They're super simple, but I like having guidelines to follow. VP and I were planning on stringing them all over our side of the apartment and maybe even the living room. They're just so cute! After procrastinating for about 2 weeks I decided it was time to finally make my own. I spent about half an hour in Target trying to pick out colors that I would like...that store is like crack; I had to make sure not to stray too far from the craft section. Spritz is my favorite brand! I can stand in the aisle forever! Anyway, I decided to make my own tutorial. Here it is!

First, you're going to need tissue paper (use as many different colors as you'd like), some twine, and scissors.

Next, take one piece of tissue paper and fold it in half (hotdog)...

Then fold it in half again (hamburger)...

 It should look like this when you're done!

Make sure that the longest folded side is at the top. After that you're going to take your scissors and cut from the open right side to the folded left side in strips. Be sure to leave at least an inch and a half uncut at the top. Make them as thin or thick as you want.

 Once you're done cutting, it should look like the picture below...

Now, unfold your tissue paper so that you can see all of your cuts...

Find the fold (it should be in the middle) and cut all the way down from top to bottom. This will give you two tassels.

Now, take one of those halves and unfold it. This was tricky for me. I couldn't get them all on one side without half of them folding in the opposite direction.

Next, you're going to start rolling. The rolls don't have to be super tight, but they shouldn't be big and loose.

Once you're done rolling your tassel, you're going to twist the section that you've rolled. I found that it was easier to twist in the direction that you rolled in. In other words, twist in the direction that is open.

When you're done twisting, fold your tassel in half. And then twist the sides together so that they become one pom-pom tassel with a loop at the top for the twine to go through.

Now that you've done your first one, make as many as you'd like!

String them up, and put on a show!

I hope that you found my tutorial helpful! I had such a blast making these and I can't wait to make more!

Friday, March 21, 2014

8 Days!

We are at T-minus 8 days until Carolina Cup! I'm obsessively checking the weather and I keep looking at my outfit because I'm not sure whether or not I should wear wedges or sandals. My roommate Em has decided to be the one in charge of the cooler (pics soon to come, I hope). She went back home to Charleston and has one of her best friends from home and her sister helping her. So far they've gotten a South Carolina state flag on the lid and our school logo on the side. I'm so happy that she's decided to take over on the cooler. With Cup it's practically a must and the painting itself is an art form.

I CANNOT WAIT! I keep getting little jolts of excitement when I think about it. I'm so happy that I got someone to work for me next Saturday. I mean, I had to cover her last Saturday and pull a double, but it will all have been worth it. I hope to take plenty of pictures. I'm not even going to pretend that I'm going to act like a lady. I will be inebriated and I will be loud and lovely. 

Now. I haven't the slightest idea as to what we're actually supposed to be bringing to Carolina Cup. VP made a somewhat master list that the future roomies laughed at, but it's mostly legit. I have my own list of things to buy for Cup and it goes something like this:

  • vodka
  • orange juice
  • cranberry juice
  • pretzels
  • sunglasses
  • a cup I don't mind losing
And that's all I have so far. I think VP and I are taking a new roommate shopping with us.